3 Keys
Do you want to have a JOYFUL life? It is yours for the taking. With all of the static in our life, we become confused. It’s easy to understand. We are inundated with bad choices like life drama, the influence of fast-food, and the trends of the sedentary lifestyle. I believe that the treatment of the static is doing just the opposite. After much research battling my own BEAST I am following a plan that has transformed my life. I believe it can transform anyone’s life.
The following are the keys to the change
Key #1 - Healthy Eating
There is a reason this is number one. For your best health, the recommendations are for mostly plant-based food. Personally, I am 100% plant-based, I believe this is the best choice for me, but I understand that you may be at another place in the spectrum. The closer you can get to 100% plant-based, the healthier you will feel. This not hard! I challenge you to try a 30 day challenge with no animal products. It requires at least 30 days, because the first 1-2 weeks can be challenging as the toxins leave your body. If you haven’t sincerely tried, then I challenge you to do this and watch the magic unfold. Many people will negotiate a cheat day - try not to do this. If your are really interested in changing your life, you will need to invest in yourself 100%. If you have a chronic illness - diabetes, heart disease (for example), you should be quite concerned. This should be startling and life changing! Don’t accept the diagnosis as your right of passage in to the next era of your life. These are reversible conditions, but it takes commitment to good health in order to be successful. You can do this!
Key #2 - Mobility
This is huge. Now, I don’t mean starting a daily cross-fit routine, or even going to the gym or running a race. I am simply talking about parking in the furthest parking spot. Taking your grocery cart back after using it. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator. These are simply lifestyle changes and they have huge rewards. Think twice when there is a choice between an easy activity or using extra effort with more activity.
If you are able to do 30 minutes of challenging exercise at least 4 times a week you will see additional benefits. When I say challenging - it is challenging to you, it could be fast walking, or walking stairs, the treadmill or rower. This is really up to you. The best way to go about a routine is same time same place. Doing it the same every day every week, it has been proven for habit formation that having a routine as in same time same place - you are more likely to stick with your exercise routine. Think about something you do every day, or several days during the week - like work - those days pick an activity to always do those days. If you work full time or part time, this is your opportunity to use work as a trigger for your exercise routine. Bam! Use this time as your time to re-group and get in touch with your future self. Don’t count on anyone but yourself, if your have a friend to workout with you, great, but don’t make it your excuse to not exercise. You got this!
Key #3 - Joyful Spirit
It is so important to be grounded in spirituality. Whatever your path - either in an organized religion, or not. Learning and embracing meditation is a way to peace. I practice meditation daily, usually at night as I find it calms my busy mind before I sleep. During the day, when my work is especially tiring, I find a quiet place to practice breathing exercises, I close my eyes and inhale slowly 5 counts, hold 2 counts, then exhale 5 counts. It is important to use your accessory muscles here, when inhaling your belly should naturally expand, then pull your belly in with the exhale.
It doesn’t stop there. Saying your thanks and gratitude to your God or Higher Being should be a number one priority. Close your eyes, and humbly be thankful. Think about this, make time for this, I know you are thankful, but being purposeful reminds you of your place in this Universe - you are but a small being, trying to make a difference in a very LARGE world. Have gratitude for your maker, and cherish the blessings you were given.
“To keep the body in good health is a duty ... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear”