Fresh and New
This is so exciting! I have just launched this page, and I am hoping to reach as many like-minded health conscious individuals!!
I am a little nervous about this, I am completely committed to doing this - but getting the word out, putting myself out there is a little nerve wracking! I do have much to share. I have information to help, recipes, classes and over-all wellness activities, I will be sharing a little more everyday. In preparing for the launch of CPBHW I have probably re-read Brene Brown’s Daring Greatly, and Rachel Hollis Girl, Wash Your Face 3 times each. There is always something I can get out of the message. I love to have someone cheerleading me - and that’s what I feel like I get with these type of books. I have also stepped up the meditation, and will meditate every night, and once again during the day. I have a hectic work-week schedule, so I need the calming effect of meditation to help bring me down a notch, and allow me to focus.
I often fit in the category that I have too many ideas, and I just can’t get myself started. So falling back on the old saying: How do you eat and elephant? One bite at a time… (which of course I would NEVER eat an elephant - but you get the point). Or The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step (Chinese proverb) ok that one is much better - no animal involved! I don’t think I am alone when I say that I am always busy - but managing to be busy by doing the things I know are right, and I know need to be shared can also be refreshing! So stay tuned - I will definitely have more to say!