April 20
April 20
- By Bex
We are in a time of change. It makes me reflect on what I can do to manage myself during this virus crisis. Did you know there are several herbs that are like superheroes in the art of healing? Some herbs have been known for years by our ancestors as the go-to for viral illness. Oregano, sage, and basil are not only Italian food must-haves, they are all well known for their medicinal values. And what about garlic, rosemary and ginger? All of these herbs not only season your food, but they have shown promise with anti-viral properties. Ok - I am not suggesting that eating a nightly spaghetti dinner full of anti-viral herbs will protect you from our current COVID-19 break out, but what I am suggesting is to take a look at the foods you can incorporate in your life on a daily basis that may help your health. Who knows, that lasagna (plant-based, of course) may prove to be not only delicious, but power-packed in the viral fight! Happy Eating!